
Ubicloud Managed PostgreSQL offers different SKUs for your needs. You can read more about our prices in the general pricing page.

For convenience, we also provide pricing tables that compare Ubicloud PostgreSQL to other cloud providers’ managed database services. For standard-2 (2 dedicated vCores):

CloudInstance typeRegionvCPURAMDiskMonthly Price
UbicloudStandard-2Germany28GB64GB (Included)$49.62
AWSdb.m5d.largeGermany28GB64GB (EBS)$192.00
AzureStandard_ D2ds_v5Nothern Europe28GB64GB (P20 Disk)$209.27

Pricing compared to other vendors, using standard-8 (8 dedicated vCores):

CloudInstance typeRegionvCPURAMDiskMonthly Price
UbicloudStandard-8Germany832GB256GB (Included)$198.48
AWSdb.m5d.2xlargeGermany832GB256GB (EBS gp3)$767.26
AzureStandard_ D8ds_v5Nothern Europe832GB256GB (P30 Disk)$707.04


Performance compared to other vendors using standard-8, with pgbench: