Deploy web apps

Built by 37signals, Kamal lets you deploy any type of web app that can be containerized.Ubicloud provides an open source alternative to AWS. You can self-host our software or use our managed service to reduce your cloud costs by 3x.

Deploy your app today

What is Kamal?

Kamal is an open source project from 37signals / HEY that lets you deploy web apps anywhere. DHH has a great video that explains how it works here -

Kamal offers you everything to deploy and manage your web app in production with Docker. Things like zero-downtime deploys, rolling restarts, and easy log access.

Why Ubicloud + Kamal?

Ubicloud is an open source cloud that can run anywhere. It gives you the cloud primitives to deploy web apps - a DNS integrated elastic load balancer that distributes traffic across VMs and runs health checks. VMs that talk to a managed PostgreSQL that has built-in backup/restore and high availability. Baked in certificate management for HTTPS.

DNS, load balancer, firewall, certificates come for free with the basic plan. VMs and managed PostgreSQL come in at 1/3rd the price of AWS.

Together, Ubicloud and Kamal offer the simplest way to deploy web apps. Without breaking the bank. With open source.

Build, Scale, and Secure

Click a button

Add / delete VMs behind a load balancer
Scale your PostgreSQL database

Fully isolated VMs

Encryption in transit and at rest
Option to keep everything in the EU for GDPR

Go from localhost to https, in seconds

Build local. Deploy global

From Linux to Ubicloud to Kamal

It’s open source, all the way up

Win back your infrastructure.
Cut your costs. Go open source. Today

Deploy app in 15 mins