Private Subnet
Get details of a specific Private Subnet in a location
API Documentation
- GETReturn the list of firewalls in the project
- POSTCreate a new firewall
- GETGet details of a specific firewall
- DELDelete a specific firewall
- GETReturn the list of firewalls in the project and location
- POSTAttach a subnet to firewall
- POSTDetach a subnet from firewall
- GETGet details of a specific firewall
- DELDelete a specific firewall
- GETGet details of a specific firewall
- POSTCreate a new firewall
- DELDelete a specific firewall
Firewall Rule
- POSTCreate a new firewall rule
- GETGet details of a firewall rule
- DELDelete a specific firewall rule
- POSTCreate a new firewall rule
- GETGet details of a firewall rule
- POSTCreate a new firewall rule
- DELDelete a specific firewall rule
- POSTCreate a new firewall rule
- GETGet details of a firewall rule
- POSTCreate a new firewall rule
- DELDelete a specific firewall rule
- DELDelete a specific firewall rule
Load Balancer
- GETList Load Balancers in a specific project
- GETGet details of a specific Load Balancer
- POSTCreate a new Load Balancer in a project
- GETList Load Balancers in a specific location of a project
- GETGet details of a specific Load Balancer in a location with ID
- DELDelete a specific Load Balancer with ID
- GETGet details of a specific Load Balancer in a location
- POSTCreate a new Load Balancer in a specific location of a project
- DELDelete a specific Load Balancer
- PATCHUpdate a Load Balancer in a specific location of a project
- POSTAttach a VM to a Load Balancer in a specific location of a project
- POSTDetach a VM from a Load Balancer in a specific location of a project
Postgres Database
- GETList Postgres Databases in a specific location of a project
- POSTFailover a specific Postgres Database with ID
- GETGet details of a specific Postgres Database in a location with ID
- DELDelete a specific Postgres Database with ID
- GETDownload CA certificates for a specific Postgres Database in a location with ID
- POSTReset super-user password of the Postgres Database
- POSTRestore a new Postgres Database in a specific location of a project with ID
- GETGet details of a specific Postgres database in a location
- POSTCreate a new Postgres Database in a specific location of a project
- DELDelete a specific Postgres Database
- GETDownload CA certificates for a specific Postgres Database in a location with name
- POSTReset superuser password of the Postgres database
- POSTRestore a new Postgres database in a specific location of a project
- GETList visible Postgres Databases
Postgres Firewall Rule
Postgres Metric Destination
Private Subnet
- GETList Private Subnets in a specific location of a project
- GETGet details of a specific Private Subnet in a location with ID
- DELDelete a specific Private Subnet with ID
- GETGet details of a specific Private Subnet in a location
- POSTCreate a new Private Subnet in a specific location of a project
- DELDelete a specific Private Subnet
- GETList visible Private Subnets
Virtual Machine
- GETList VMs in a specific location of a project
- GETGet details of a specific VM in a location with ID
- DELDelete a specific VM with ID
- GETGet details of a specific VM in a location
- POSTCreate a new VM in a specific location of a project
- DELDelete a specific VM
- GETList all VMs created under the given project ID and visible to logged in user
Private Subnet
Get details of a specific Private Subnet in a location
curl --request GET \
--url{project_id}/location/{location}/private-subnet/{private_subnet_name} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"firewalls": [
"description": "<string>",
"firewall_rules": [
"cidr": "<string>",
"id": "fraz0q3vbrpa7pkg7zbmah9csn",
"port_range": "<string>"
"id": "fwfg7td83em22qfw9pq5xyfqb7",
"location": "<string>",
"name": "<string>"
"id": "ps3dngttwvje2kmr2sn8x12x4r",
"location": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"net4": "<string>",
"net6": "<string>",
"nics": [
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"private_ipv4": "",
"private_ipv6": "2606:4700:3108::ac42:2835",
"vm_name": "<string>"
"state": "<string>"
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
ID of the project
The Ubicloud location/region
Private subnet name
A Private Subnet
Description of the firewall
ID of the firewall
Location of the the firewall
Name of the firewall
ID of the subnet
Location of the subnet
Name of the subnet
IPv4 CIDR of the subnet
IPv6 CIDR of the subnet
State of the subnet
curl --request GET \
--url{project_id}/location/{location}/private-subnet/{private_subnet_name} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"firewalls": [
"description": "<string>",
"firewall_rules": [
"cidr": "<string>",
"id": "fraz0q3vbrpa7pkg7zbmah9csn",
"port_range": "<string>"
"id": "fwfg7td83em22qfw9pq5xyfqb7",
"location": "<string>",
"name": "<string>"
"id": "ps3dngttwvje2kmr2sn8x12x4r",
"location": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"net4": "<string>",
"net6": "<string>",
"nics": [
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"private_ipv4": "",
"private_ipv6": "2606:4700:3108::ac42:2835",
"vm_name": "<string>"
"state": "<string>"